Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our New Blog

So last night I got the blog bug again and guess what?..... I gave in. *audience rolls their eyes* yes I know captain obvious am I. Anyway just wanted to christen the ship so to speak, break the ice or what have you and get a post out there. So mostly just happy to be married to a wonderful man, and share every day together growing in love. But as of late... super excited about our biggest news.... We are having a baby!!! I know they say you don't go into the nesting phase until the last trimester but wow I think I've been nesting for years now lol. I am aching to craft and deco like crazy tho so I'm dying to make a nursery (which has to wait because we won't be in this house much longer). My husband will most likely be deploying in the fall and if that turns out to be the case I'll be going home to my beloved North Carolina to have our baby. Either way though I'm still stocking up on deco ideas. so you can mostly expect lots of crafting posts and baby posts with a few posts about hubby and everyday life of course (for variety's sake). Well I guess that's it for now.