Monday, October 22, 2012


So I wasn't sure if my husband would even want to do pumpkin carving...silly me. I told him I wanted to grab two pumpkins, while we were at the store, to carve for Family Home Evening. It was like James Bond's ultimate mission lol. I wish I had had my camera because he seriously took half the pumpkins out of the bin to get down to the very bottom for his perfect pumpkin lol I just jest too much because I got mine there too lol. the root of the problem was all the stems were broken and you need a good stem its mandatory. Anywho, we had FHE but he had to run to the store for work stuff so we had to put a pin in the pumpkins so to speak. So that weekend we went at it. I usually got for a more creative pattern usually from my brain but my excuse this year is I'm pregnant lol. David's is a hoot. So here are some pictures with random comments every now and then lol.

The lovely before shot. lol Take note of the gorgeous flowers my husband got me. I love that man!

He loves that K-bar! 

So we cut from the bottom. first time ever doing this but the little book said to do it and it made sense. David made a tiny hole...

I made a huge one lol.

Just a few action shots of the fun stuff lol

I wanted to have a pumpkin fight....

He did not lol

the beginnings of my master piece

David's guy with the eyes. At this point David realized in order to complete his master piece we needed to run to the store for a third victim (tiny pumpkin). It was funny because when we got there all the big bins were empty and we had to go for a pie pumpkin. lol

David making the mouth to hold the poor little dude

My finished product

David shaving the rind off the teeth... said he felt like he was brushing his teeth lol

Our Masterpieces



We might have a slight pumpkin aggression problem... but who could blame us. This was a very fun night!

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