Sunday, September 9, 2012

My Painful Weekend

This weekend has been kinda crazy. Friday I got horrible belly pains and after having them for 2 hours asked my hubby to take me to the hospital. Because I'm almost 20 weeks pregnant they sent me up to labor and delivery (one plus: I have graduated from the 9 hour ER waiting room) they stuck me in a room in labor and delivery and hooked a sensor up to me to tell if what I was feeling was contractions because my description sounded like it. then they ran some tests, and after an hour of waiting in a freezing room (hubby was freezing I just wanted socks) :) the midwife came in and said it was common pregnancy discomfort and that my uterus was just adjusting and figuring out what it needed to do. I always feel silly going to the hospital and being sent home with order to take 2 Tylenol lol. But better safe than sorry. False labor is a serious thing and I really want my little one to have all the health in the world. So if I must I sacrifice my pride and look like the paranoid hypochondriac that progesterone has made me into lol. Saturday was good we stayed in the whole day but I like those days especially after Friday lol. Now its Sunday and the pains came back but now that I know what they are its a lot easier to deal with them. Wish the new mama luck and peace of mind. ttyl.


  1. I spent several afternoons in L&D around 18-22 weeks with Jacob with contractions. Thankfully they weren't the kind that started me dialating(sp?) but they concerned the nurses and thankfully after fluids and rest they stopped. I ended up on bed rest so many times with him I think God was just trying to rest me up for after his birth, lol! So you take everything seriously, those nurses are usually the sweetest and will take care of you. Glad it wasn't more serious and love hearing about your pregnancy! Hope the pain starts lessening :)

    1. You are so sweet. Sorry It's taken me so long to reply I really want you to know I appreciate all your love and support. Thank you so much. Jacob turned out great. Every bit the handful a little boy should be I hope Greyson does too :D
